Establishing Connection

The CassandraCluster interface exposes a way to create a CassandraSession via its session method defined as follow:

def session: Stream[F, CassandraSession[F]]

It acquires a single session, that can be used to execute statements. Note that this emits only once, and session is closed when the resulting process terminates.

NOTE: It is recommended to create a single Session and pass it as a parameter to any components that might need it.


Given a CassandraSession execute a statement (eg. insert statements).

import cats.effect.IO
import com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster
import fs2.Stream
import spinoco.fs2.cassandra.{CassandraCluster, CassandraSession}


val config = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints("")

def doSomething(session: CassandraSession[IO]) = {
  session.queryCql("SELECT * FROM ks.test") // or something else

val program: Stream[IO, Unit] =
  for {
    cluster <- CassandraCluster[IO](config, None)
    session <- cluster.session
    _       <- doSomething(session)
  } yield ()