Spinoco webchat plugin

This showcase gives short demonstration of the Spinoco plugin and different styles and options

How to use webchat plugin

Insert snippet at the very end of your page before </body> tag:

<div id="spinoco-webchat-plugin" data-client-id="fillme" data-customer-name="fillme" data-customer-email="fillme" data-avatar-user-url="fillme" data-avatar-bot-url="fillme" ></div>
<script defer type="module" src="https://spinoco.github.io/webchat-plugin/dist/spinoco-webchat-plugin.js" ></script>

Examples of webchat plugin usage


Basic green theme

Dark theme

Customized theme with dark background

Border only theme

A feature that allows to style chat bos with border-only theme in bubble


Lottie icon animation with box shadow feature.

How to develop features to webchat plugin

Learn more in Github repository.
