
package update

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ArrayAppendPair[A](op: String, k: String, v: TraversableOnce[A], sl: Option[Int] = scala.None, srt: Option[QuerySort] = scala.None) extends UpdatePair with Product with Serializable

    Appends single array

  2. case class ArrayUpdatePair[A](op: String, k: String, v: TraversableOnce[A]) extends UpdatePair with Product with Serializable

    updated the array component *

  3. case class BitwiseUpdatePair(op: String, k: String, v: Int, bitOp: String) extends UpdatePair with Product with Serializable

    bitwise update of value *

  4. case class DBObjectUpdatePair(op: String, v: DBObject) extends UpdatePair with Product with Serializable

    updates the whole object *

  5. case class FindAndModifyAction(update: SimpleUpdate, returnNew: Boolean = false, upsert: Boolean = false) extends QueryAction[Option[DBObject]] with Product with Serializable

    Action that encapsulates find and modify logic.

  6. trait FindAndModifySyntax extends AnyRef

  7. case class FindAndRemoveAction() extends QueryAction[Option[DBObject]] with Product with Serializable

    Find and modify with remove flag set == true

  8. case class InsertAction(o: DBObject, wc: Option[WriteConcern] = scala.None) extends MongoCollectionCommand[WriteResult] with ObjectIdSupport with Product with Serializable

    Performs simple insert of document with optional write concern

  9. case class InsertWriteResult(n: Int, errorMessage: Option[String], serverUri: Option[String], document: DBObject) extends WriteResult with Product with Serializable

    Result of Insert Operation.

  10. trait ObjectIdSupport extends AnyRef

    User: pach Date: 9/18/13 Time: 3:45 PM (c) 2011-2013 Spinoco Czech Republic, a.

  11. case class PairSimpleUpdate(pairs: Seq[UpdatePair]) extends SimpleUpdate with Product with Serializable

    Generate update object from update pairs

  12. case class RemoveAction(isIsolated: Boolean = false, wc: Option[WriteConcern] = scala.None) extends QueryAction[WriteResult] with Product with Serializable

    Removes the documents from attached query

  13. case class ReplaceDocument(o: DBObject) extends SimpleUpdate with Product with Serializable

    Just simple replace of the document *

  14. case class SaveAction(o: DBObject, wc: Option[WriteConcern] = scala.None) extends MongoCollectionCommand[WriteResult] with ObjectIdSupport with Product with Serializable

    Saves the supplied document with optional write concern

  15. trait SimpleUpdate extends AnyRef

  16. case class UpdateAction(update: SimpleUpdate, upsert: Boolean = false, multi: Boolean = false, isIsolated: Boolean = false, wc: Option[WriteConcern] = scala.None) extends QueryAction[WriteResult] with Product with Serializable

    Performs update on database

  17. sealed trait UpdatePair extends AnyRef

    Simple update pair *

  18. trait UpdatePairOps extends Ops[String]

  19. trait UpdateSyntax extends AnyRef

  20. case class UpdateWriteResult(n: Int, errorMessage: Option[String], serverUri: Option[String]) extends WriteResult with Product with Serializable

    Result of write operation as returned when updating the document

  21. case class ValueUpdatePair[A](op: String, k: String, v: A) extends UpdatePair with Product with Serializable

    Updates single value with given operation *

  22. sealed trait WriteResult extends AnyRef

    Encapsulation of mongo's write result in more scala like syntax

Value Members

  1. object WriteResult
