
package query

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class BasicQuery(o: DBObject = new com.mongodb.BasicDBObject()) extends Product with Serializable

    Simple key-value query to mongo

  2. trait BasicQueryOps extends QueryPredicateOps[BasicQuery]

    Syntax for building basic queries *

  3. case class BasicQueryPair[+A](key: String, pattern: A, dbo: Option[DBObject] = scala.None, not: Boolean = false) extends QueryPair[A] with Product with Serializable

    Predicate pair that builds query on given key

  4. case class ElemMatchPair(key: String, q: BasicQuery, not: Boolean = false) extends ProjectionPair with QueryPair[BasicQuery] with Product with Serializable

    Pair used in projection from the query as well as in query itself

  5. case class OrderPair(k: String, o: QueryEnums.Order.Value) extends Product with Serializable

    Pair that defines ordering *

  6. trait OrderingOps extends Ops[String]

    Syntax to allow creation of OrderPairs from string

  7. trait ProjectionOps extends Ops[String]

    Syntax to build projection pairs

  8. sealed trait ProjectionPair extends ProjectPipelineAction

  9. case class Query(bq: BasicQuery, where: Option[String] = scala.None, sort: Option[QuerySort] = scala.None, hint: Option[QueryHint] = scala.None, limit: Option[Int] = scala.None, skip: Option[Int] = scala.None, projection: Option[QueryProjection] = scala.None, explainFlag: Option[QueryEnums.ExplainVerbosity.Value] = scala.None, snapshotFlag: Option[Boolean] = scala.None, comment: Option[String] = scala.None, readPreference: Option[ReadPreference] = scala.None) extends MongoCollectionCommand[DBObject] with QueryOps with Product with Serializable

    mongodb Query definition

  10. trait QueryAction[A] extends AnyRef

    Action that uses query.

  11. trait QueryEnums extends AnyRef

    Enumerations used in Query definition *

  12. sealed trait QueryHint extends AnyRef

    Hints to pick correct index with Query *

  13. case class QueryHintByKey(keys: Set[String]) extends QueryHint with Product with Serializable

    Query hint to pick index that contain the specified keys *

  14. case class QueryHintIndexName(index: String) extends QueryHint with Product with Serializable

    Query hint by name of index *

  15. trait QueryOps extends Ops[Query]

  16. sealed trait QueryPair[+A] extends AnyRef

  17. trait QueryPairBuilderOps extends Ops[String]

  18. trait QueryPairOps[A] extends QueryPredicateOps[QueryPair[A]]

    Predicate combinators *

  19. trait QueryPredicateOps[A] extends Ops[A]

    Basic syntax on Query Predicates

  20. trait QueryPredicateWitness[A] extends AnyRef

    Witness for allowed predicates in query

  21. case class QueryProjection(qp: Seq[ProjectionPair]) extends Product with Serializable

    Holds the projection pairs

  22. case class QuerySort(op: Seq[OrderPair]) extends Product with Serializable

    Holder for sort options

  23. trait QuerySyntax extends AnyRef

    Syntax to build up the query *

  24. case class ReadPreference(pref: ReadPreference.Value, preferred: Boolean = false, tag: List[(String, String)] = immutable.this.Nil) extends Product with Serializable

    mongodb ReadPreference constructor Helper

  25. case class SimpleProjection(key: String, exclude: Boolean = false) extends ProjectionPair with Product with Serializable

    Simple projection pair

  26. case class SliceProjection(key: String, index: Int, size: Option[Int] = scala.None) extends ProjectionPair with Product with Serializable

    Allows to project slices of arrays

Value Members

  1. object BasicQuery extends Serializable

    Helper to build Basic query in case there are multiple key conditions.

  2. object QueryPredicateWitness

  3. object ReadPreference extends Enumeration
