
package filesystem

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class FileQuery(q: Query) extends Product with Serializable

    Query that allows to pick multiple files

  2. trait FileSystemSyntax extends FileUtil

  3. trait FileUtil extends AnyRef

  4. case class GridFs(db: DB, filesystemName: String = "fs") extends Product with Serializable

    Represents grid fs instance

  5. trait GridFsCommand[A] extends AnyRef

  6. case class ListAndCommand[A](query: FileQuery, ch: ChannelResult[GridFS, (MongoFileRead) ⇒ Process[Task, A]]) extends ReadCommand[A] with ListCommandOps with Product with Serializable

    List command that runs supplied channel for all supplied files.

  7. case class ListCommand(query: FileQuery) extends ReadCommand[MongoFileRead] with ListCommandOps with Product with Serializable

    Command that list files

  8. trait ListCommandOps extends AnyRef

    operations on list commands

  9. trait ListCommandSyntax extends AnyRef

    User: pach Date: 9/23/13 Time: 4:59 PM (c) 2011-2013 Spinoco Czech Republic, a.

  10. case class ListForEachCommand[A](query: FileQuery, ch: ChannelResult[GridFS, (MongoFileRead) ⇒ Process[Task, A]]) extends ReadCommand[(MongoFileRead, Process[Task, A])] with ListCommandOps with Product with Serializable

    ListCommand that runs supplied channel for every file listed

  11. sealed trait MongoFile extends AnyRef

  12. case class MongoFileRead(meta: DBObject, fileSystem: String) extends MongoFile with Product with Serializable

    Mongo file information that are read from the filesystem

  13. case class MongoFileRef(id: ObjectId) extends MongoFile with Product with Serializable

    Mongo file identified by its id *

  14. case class MongoFileWrite(name: String, id: ObjectId, userMeta: Option[DBObject] = scala.None, contentType: Option[String] = scala.None, chunkSize: Long = ...) extends MongoFile with Product with Serializable

    Object holding information about the concrete file to be written

  15. trait ReadCommand[A] extends GridFsCommand[A]

    tag trait for commands that only reads from grid fs *

  16. case class WriteCommand(file: MongoFileWrite) extends GridFsCommand[(Bytes) ⇒ Task[Unit]] with Product with Serializable

    write command

  17. trait WriteCommandSyntax extends AnyRef

    User: pach Date: 9/23/13 Time: 5:13 PM (c) 2011-2013 Spinoco Czech Republic, a.

Value Members

  1. object FileUtil extends FileUtil

  2. object ListAndCommand extends Serializable

  3. object ListForEachCommand extends Serializable

  4. object MongoFile
