Mongo Streams

mongodb database library using scalaz-stream

View the Project on GitHub Spinoco/scalaz-stream-mongodb

Welcome to Mongo Streams.

Mongo Streams is a library that allows you to use scalaz-stream with mongo database. Mongo Streams is based on standard mongo java driver and supports all of the java driver functionality.

Basic usage

Mongo Streams can be added to your sbt build. The binary is hosted at Sonatype maven. You can add following to your sbt build:

resolvers ++= Seq("snapshots" at "") libraryDependencies += "com.spinoco" %% "scalaz-stream-mongodb" % "0.1.0"


Also note the library requires Java 1.7 to build, but the resulting code is 1.6 compatible.

If you plan to test your Mongo Streams code, maybe Specs2 support will come handy for you:


libraryDependencies += "com.spinoco" %% "scalaz-stream-mongodb-spec" % "0.1.0"

User Guide

Mongo streams are documented with code examples in this User Guide and eventually on the API.